Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Never Too Young to Learn. Never Too Young to Serve.

Our goal is to partner with parents in the spiritual development of the entire family.

If you would like your children to attend classes, visit the Foundation Kids sign-in counter before service begins.  
Infants – age 2 have full hour care and age 3 and up are dismissed during the service so that they can worship musically with their family.

We use a tag/# system to assure our children’s safety. We will not release children under 5th grade until a parent or someone with the matching tag comes to pick them up.
This is done for the safety and security of all of our children.


9:33 am

Children’s ministry for birth through Sixth Grade.
Children are welcome to sit with their parents during the service or when dismissed, go to their classes.
Please be sure to CHECK IN before the service.

Please feel free to contact our Children's Director, Carolyn Hale, with any questions concerning the Foundation Kids.